
Over the course of time, artistic ideas often phase in and out of artists’ work. Sometimes an idea will emerge, take form and recede only to re-appear a number of years later in a related but distinct interpretation. Such is …
Over the course of time, artistic ideas often phase in and out of artists’ work. Sometimes an idea will emerge, take form and recede only to re-appear a number of years later in a related but distinct interpretation. Such is …
Loretta Lam’s Neckpiece appeared in CraftForms 2009, the 15th International Juried Exhibition of Contemporary Craft at the Wayne Art Center, Wayne PA from Dec 4, 2009 – Jan 23, 2010. The exhibition which was curated by Bruce Pepich, Executive Director …
Elise Winters, Red RUFFLE Ruche, 2009 polymer, acrylic 8 x 9 x 1″, promised gift, Newark Museum My artist’s statement read: “Concern for color and light has followed me through every phase of my artistic career.
Kathleen Dustin, Allium Pod, 2008 3’h x 3’w x 9”d Polymer clay Kathleen commented: “To fulfill it’s educational mission, The Fuller Craft Museum likes to have pieces that people can touch included in their exhibitions, and I allowed them to …
Grant Diffendaffer, Cosmic Ray, 2009 Polymer clay, poplar, thread, rod, glue 3 x 12 x 6″ Grant wrote about his pieces saying: These pieces are relics of my engagement with the era of Raygun Gothic design. Come with me as …
Diffendaffer, Gozonar, McCambly: a Closer Look at Sculpting Color Read more »