A Name You May Not Know
On this blog I suspect there will be some kind words said about me as the person who — by hook or by crook or by waving a magic wand — cajoled some naïve publisher into printing The New Clay at …
On this blog I suspect there will be some kind words said about me as the person who — by hook or by crook or by waving a magic wand — cajoled some naïve publisher into printing The New Clay at …
In St. Louis in 1981, the National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts held a national convention. It was there that Esther Olson introduced her process for making miniature candies from FIMO®. Today we would recognize these techniques as millefiore caning. From …
Listen to what two notable art critics have said about our dependence on historical roots: The only road to authenticity lies through what has already been done. There is no deep art without deep historical awareness. Robert Hughes All (craft) …