Belated Valentine

Just today I received this belated valentine from Kathleen Amt. For those unfamiliar with her work, Kathleen was an early pioneer in the field. Around 1999 she decided to return to her first love, art books and ephemera. Here’s what Kathleen’s valentine message said:
“I was going out for Valentine’s Day and wore this pin. It also brought to mind the many good artists involved. I am finishing a Photoshop class on journals and used one of the exercises to include a scanned object.”
You can see more of Kathleen’s journal work on her flickr site where she wrote the following message about this valentine:
“I did this for the Journal Class ….
I also wanted to send something to the polymer jewelry group. Thanks to Elise Winters and many other hard workers we have a place in several museum collections. Sorry I am not able to contribute to the polymer scene anymore but my thoughts are with you….well, they are actually with Photoshop right now…”
I remember her name on the early books (Nan Roche’s). Was she the one with the Alice in wonderland beads? Gotta check the book.