ACC Baltimore: Then and Now

Looking back sure does give us some interesting perspective. Recently I ran across the 1992 Exhibitors Catalog for the American Craft Council’s annual show in Baltimore. Only 3 polymer exhibitors were listed there: Martha Breen, City Zen Cane (aka Ford/Forlano) and Grove&Grove. Although each of those exhibitors made jewelry, they were found under the mixed-media category, rather than jewelry.
This year at ACC Baltimore, you will be able to see the work of 10 polymer exhibitors – that’s a whopping 233% increase – oh how I love statistics! The show runs February 24-26, 2012 at the Baltimore Convention Center. Visit these exhibitors and you will see lots more than just jewelry. Look for wall sculpture, boxes and bowls, as well as furnishings and fashion accessories.
Rachel Carren
Louise Fischer Cozzi
Kathleen Dustin
Mary Filapek & Lou Ann Townsend: Mary & Lou Ann
Susan Fleischer: Casual Elegance
Steve Ford and David Forlano: Ford/Forlano
Wiwat Kamolpornwijit: In-Boon
Karen Kozak
Loretta Lam
Karin Noyes: Yellow House Studio