West Meets East

Just about a year ago, Bruce W. Pepich, Executive Director and Curator of Collections at the Racine Art Museum, spoke to the attendees of the International Polymer Clay Association conference. In this presentation he illustrated how the new RAM polymer collection would be integrated with it’s permanent collection of craft. Placing images side by side, as shown above, he drew inspiring comparisons and relationships. Plans for the inaugural exhibition, to be called Terra Nova, are well under way.
Here’s what Melanie West shared with me after that presentation last year:
“Peter Chang has been a great inspiration to me, and to have my work placed next to his was both humbling and thrilling. Two years ago I would never have dreamed something like this could be possible – for anyone working in polymer. As an emerging polymer artist, to have my work included in RAM’s permanent collection AND have it next to an established, acclaimed artist like Peter Chang, is a dream come true.”
Fundraising totals for RAM’s polymer collection have just been updated to reflect all contributions made through December 2010. RAM has received 164 donations, raising $56,590 toward our goal of $100,000. A complete list of donors appears on our own RAM Collection page. If your name isn’t already on that list, please consider making a contribution now.
By making a donation in any amount to the Racine Art Museum, your tax deductible contribution, whether made by check or through the secure PayPal button below, will go directly into an account designated solely for support of the polymer collection at RAM.
Checks can be made out to RAM/Polymer Collection and sent to:
Racine Art Museum
441 Main St.
Racine, WI 53401-0187
Or click here: