Registration Opens for RAM’s Symposium

The Racine Art Museum has just opened registration for Polymer: The Journey to New Terrain, a symposium to be held Friday, October 21 – Sunday, October 23 at The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread, a 14,000 square-foot home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in the 1930s. For detailed information and registration forms please read on.
As our readers know, RAM has received a major collection of artworks created in polymer to establish this material in it’s permanent collection. They will debut the arrival of these gifts with the exhibition, TERRA NOVA: Polymer Art at the Crossroads opening October 21, 2011
RAM has planned a very special weekend to celebrate the exhibition and the accompanying 140-page book published by the museum.
You can participate in these festivities in a number of different ways. Go to RAM’s website for detailed information, schedules and to access reservation forms.